Yoga Creators You Should Check Out On Youtube

I’ve already shared on this blog how yoga has changed my life and affected my wellness journey. A big part of finding how yoga fits into my life in ways that made sense for me relied heavily on practicing at home and using yoga creators on YouTube as a guide. I thought I would share a few yoga creators I think are great and can help you practice at home safely.

1)Yoga With FlowwJo –

Jo has been a friend of mine since high school and is a Y7 instructor in NYC and a Lululemon Ambassador. She is a fantastic teacher for all levels and has a gift for breaking down each pose verbally and sharing modifications. If you are looking for great Vinyasa flows, I highly suggest checking out her channel.

2) Yoga With Kassandra-

Kassandra is a creator I stumbled across while teaching a heavy indoor cycling schedule at SoulCycle and needed movement that created relief and release from my tight and worn body. I came across her sharing Yin Yoga and became hooked to the point that I decided to get certified in Yin Yoga myself! She does share Vinyasa yoga sequences and meditations on her channel as well. Kassandra is a solid practitioner, and it’s no wonder her channel has grown to over 2 million subscribers. Check her channel out if you haven’t already.

3)Satvic Yoga-

This husband and wife duo is such a gem. I recently stumbled across this channel and appreciate their yoga and meditation content. I think it’s so important that we elevate black and brown creators on YouTube. What they share has an authentic lens and is very informative because they come from the culture and part of the world from which yoga stems. This affects the approach and how they share. I’m excited to see them continue to grow their channel.

4) Travis Eliot- 

I enjoy Travis Eliot as a yogi and practitioner. He seems to be a person who is always learning, growing, sharing, and walking the walk. He takes yoga off the mat and is a yogi at heart. I enjoy that he shares Yin and Vinyasa and presents flows that can be challenging. Even with the challenging Vinyasa flows, he cues so I can stay focused and encouraged. If you enjoy practitioners with a chill vibe but offer content that feels safe, Travis is your guy!

5) Yoga with Shaunneka-

Shaunneka is another recent find, and she shares excellent Yin Yoga and slow flows. I like that her videos tend to be very quiet and that she offers fantastic modifications for poses. She is a smaller channel that I can’t wait to see grow into a more prominent channel. She shares content needed in a world where moving fast is always praised.





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