Posts in Yoga

Move Freely: The Benefits of Stretching Every Day

Whether you’re a dedicated yogi or simply looking to enhance your health journey, understanding the significance of daily stretching is key to unlocking your body’s[…]

Wellness On A Budget: Winter Edition

This year, I’m all about achieving my financial goals, and saving money is a big part of that! At Claire’s Wellness Corner, I’m passionate about[…]

Cooling Yin Yoga Poses For Summer

Summer is a time for sun, fun, and sometimes, sweltering heat. I’m in California, and the summer temperatures slowly rise daily. While we enjoy the[…]

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Help Mom Prioritize Self-Care This Year

Mother’s Day is right around the corner! I wanted to share some ideas on gifts related to wellness and health ahead of time for anyone[…]

Beyond the Facade

I can’t tell you how weird it feels to be in such a vulnerable and open conversation with someone who claims to be spiritually in[…]

Yoga Creators You Should Check Out On Youtube

I’ve already shared on this blog how yoga has changed my life and affected my wellness journey. A big part of finding how yoga fits[…]

How Yoga Changed Me

I was introduced to Yoga in high school. As a dancer with a rigorous dance training, academic, and rehearsal schedule, I thought it was an[…]